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free banking and finance project/seminar topics and materials-project made easier!!!

Here is list of free banking and finance project/seminar topics and materials, choose your prefer project and download the file, if your project is yet to be Summited for Approver choose three project topics here, if possible download all to  "preview" and select three topics for summition, once any is been approved just go ahead with your edition,.. More project are yet to be uploaded subscribe to receive update info direct to your email, invite your friends. if your project is not included comment to include your project topic,. Or contact me on FacebooktwitterLinkedIn, ,Google plus,Facebook fan page or email me at emrig4@gmail.com.

 free banking and finance project topics

free banking and finance project/seminar topics and materials-project made easier!!!

  • project on the "Effects of Liberalization on Stock Return Volatility in Nigerian Stock Exchange"

The Developments in the field of finance and economics has led to the renewed interest in the stock
Market liberalization and the stock return volatility. which has the capacity in distorting the
Role of financial markets and channeling long term funds from the surplus to deficits units.

 effects of liberation

  • project on "An exploratory study of employee attitude towards monetary and non-monetary incentives in the public enterprises"

These project has 52 pages which contain the following table of content, the abstract, INTRODUCTION- the background of the study ,the statement of the problem, the objectives of the study, the research questions, the formulated hypotheses,  THE REVIEW OF RELEVANT LITERATURE ,-introduction, The effects of organizational incentives , THE TYPES OF VARIABLE PAY, THE DATA ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION, THE THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK, THE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY- the research design –the population of study –the sample and sampling techniques –the instruments-the procedure for data collection -data analysis, THE DATA ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION, CONCLUSION,SUMMARY AND REFERENCE,.. click on the download button/link below to download the file and follow these link to view all banking and finance free project topics and materials. 

 an exploration study of employee

  • project on the "Impact of Interest Rate on Capital Market Growth (A Case of Nigeria)

 impact of interest rate

  • project on the "Efficacy of Credit Risk Management on the Performance of Banks   in Nigeria A Study of Union Bank PLC (2006-2010)"

 efficacy of credit


 the impact