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How to place Google AdSense code below post title

After getting approved by Google in to the Google AdSense program, the next thing is to place your AdSense code in blogger, most newbies who are approved in to the program always look for the best position to place or add their AdSense code to their blog, well,. You can add your AdSense code in any position of your blog, one of the major place most blogger places their AdSense code is below title post, I won’t say placing of AdSense code below post title is the best, the format used by MR.A might favour him then the format use by Mr. B, it depend on the individuals template, AdSense may work for you in any position you place provided your ads is been targeted and there is enough click or impression, for those of you that would want to try with placement of their ads code below blogger post title, should follow these guild in other to implement the code in to their blogger template, if you are new in to blogging and would like to join the AdSense program and start earning online then you must know why Google AdSense?


  1. Why Google AdSense?
  2. Will I ever get approved in the Google AdSense program?
  3. My experience so far in google adsense-noreply issue
  4. How i fixed site does not comply with Google AdSense policy issue 
  5. How i fixed site does not comply with Google AdSense policy issue
  6. How I got approved once on google AdSense
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  9. How to make online money- google adsense tip
  10. Easiest way to get approved on Google AdSense program 
  11. Will blogger make it without Google adsense? 
  12. How to place Google AdSense code below post title

 place google adsense below post

I would want you to note these before placing the ads code on your blogger template: before you place the ads code, you must ensure that the code is parsed, you need to parsed the code generated to you by Google AdSense, before placing it on yourblogger template. Because when you insert the code directly to template it won’t work. Reason: Google AdSense code doesn't work on blogger template when inserted directly,

Getting started

After you might have gotten the code generated to you by Google AdSense, visit the parsed code website and parsed the code, all you need to do is to insert your code into the box and click the parsed button and once it is done

Copy the code generated to you by the parsed website and go to your blogger template, ensure you expand the widget by clicking on it.

For those of you making use for Firefox browser press ctrl f to search for these line of code <data:post.body/> and for those using Google chrome browser press ctrl + f and just before these line of code <data:post.body/> past the code generated to you by the by the parsed website, once you are done save your template, congratulation you are done.

Do you have any question or advice regarding to these post, feel free to comment