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5 tip-SEO technic to optimize your blog niche website

Aim: the aim of these article 5 tip-SEO technic to optimize your blog niche website is to give you insight on how to optimize the performance of your blog or website for better page or website ranking.

Optimizing your website will help the improvement of your blog niche website to be more interactive for both the user and search engine such as Google, yahoo and so on. To increase your blog website page ranking or the ranking of your website you must implement some seo technic that will improve the ranking of your blog website in search engine.

Making your site easier to navigate: your blog navigation will help search engine to understand the content of your website and index index it quickly, it will equally help your visitor to easily access the content they want in your blog, for easy navigation of your blog website, always provide a link to the main content of a particular page for your visitor which might interest them to read.
Include HTLM sitemap page on your blog or website: htlm sitemap is very important technic that reviews the link of important pages on your blog website which will equally help search engine to easily discover the pages on your blog website. 

Always create interesting content: a good quality content can lead to the increase of visitors coming to your website and equally linking to it, in view of how to write a good quality content, read: the Insight of how to write a good quality content for your blog niche website 

Customize your keywords: always include keyword in your web page to suit your target audience, these will enable them locate your site and you need to select your keywords carefully. 

Always summit your site map through google webmaster: it is important for you to always summit your site map to search engine whenever a new post is been published for proper index of the link to your page 

The use of excessive keyword just for search engine
Allowing your htlm sitemap page to have a broken link or becoming out of date
Using unnecessary link for site navigation or link that is not relevant with the pages navigation of your blog or website.